What are cookies

A cookie is a text file sent from a website to the device used by the user to view it (computer, tablet, telephone…). The cookie is stored on the user’s devices for a set time (from a few minutes to several months) and can be read by the website that sent it. A cookie contains information on the website that sent it, its expiry date and the specific data stored on each cookie.

Depending on where they come from, cookies may be: first party, i.e. sent directly from our website; third party, originating from other websites and sent through our website.

Depending on their purpose, cookies may be:
technical: used for browsing or to provide a service requested by the user; they are not used for other purposes;
analytical: used for collecting information on the behaviour of website users, such as the number of visits, the most frequently visited pages, the visitor’s browsing channels to reach the website. We use them to collect this information in anonymous and aggregated form;
profiling cookies, sent by third parties: these cookies are used to track the user’s browsing on the net and create profiles on their tastes, habits and choices… Through the information contained in these cookies, for example, advertising messages may be sent to the user’s device in line with any preferences expressed by the user while browsing online.

Cookies used by this website

Session cookies
These cookies, needed to ensure correct and safer browsing, contain codes generated by our server. They do not contain any personal information and do not store the websites visited; usually they are stored only temporarily on the user’s device and are deleted after browsing, when the browser is closed or in any case after a short time.

How to block them: if you don’t want to receive any kind of cookies, you can completely disable them in your browser settings (see below).

Analytical cookies
These cookies are used to collect anonymised information on the use of the website by visitors. They are used, for example, to know how many people visit the website, which pages are most frequently visited, how the visitors reach the website and other data on the use of its contents. You may express or withdraw your consent to the use of these cookies using the tools made available by the providers of these services.

Google privacy policy: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=it and https://privacy.google.com/intl/it_ALL/your-security.html

How to block them: you can use the additional browser add-on to disable Google Analytics, download it from https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout

Function cookies for the multimedia elements of the website
These third party cookies are used to operate the multimedia element of our website, such as the Google maps and social network widgets.

As technical intermediary, Buffagni Traduzioni limits its activity to sending these cookies to the user-navigator, but does not manage their functions (therefore it has no control over or access to the information submitted/acquired), as the third parties are responsible for their operation.

The data collected by third parties could be used for other purposes, including advertisements. You may express or withdraw your consent to the use of these cookies using the tools made available by the providers of these services.

Origin: third parties.
Policy and information on how to control their use: use the links below.

GOOGLE AND YOUTUBE: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=it e https://privacy.google.com/intl/it_ALL/your-security.html
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/policies/cookies/
LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/psettings/guest-controls/retargeting-opt-out

How to disable cookies

You can disable the cookies in your browser settings – when you do so, remember to also delete all the cookies present, for safety reasons. Here are the links to the instructions for disabling cookies in the most common browsers (link checked on the date of the last update of this document):


If you disable the cookies, we will not be able to guarantee the optimum operation of this website.

For more information

For more information on cookies generally, visit the website: www.allaboutcookies.org

Last update: October 2020